For all of you that require our professional services and come from abroad, we prepared some basic information in the English language.
THE LIVING ENVIRONMENT is one of the most important environments for the preservation of health in the modern world. Many hidden dangers lurk around the corner in our LIVING ENVIRONMENT and awareness is the first step towards preservation of health.
Please check out the links (similar companies from other countries) on our English website, where you will find additional information about the activities that our company performs:
ELECTROSMOG MEASUREMENTS base stations, cell phones, WI-FI, electrical appliances, DECT phones, sockets, wiring, long distance transmission cables, transformer stations
CHEMICALS IN THE AIR - AIR TOXICITY chemicals originating from construction materials and equipment of the living spaces: formaldehydes, adhesives, lacquers, coatings
MOULDS dangerous in new buildings as well as older facilities
WATER harmful ingredients in the water
Before you rent an apartment or a house for employees of a company, embassies, consulates and representation offices, we perform measurements, consult and prepare the final report.
We offer trainings for family members in your RESIDENTIAL facility and trainings for pregnant women and young mothers - safe use of electrical appliances, use of protection and avoiding hidden dangers in LIVING SPACES.
We can also perform measurements at your WORKPLACE: office, embassy, representation office. We organise LECTURES for your employees.
In order to assure a more professional service, we hire professional translators that translate the information of the measurements as well as the lectures into the English language or, on request of a client, into other languages as well. For an English offer, please contact us via the following form:
Our business partner in the field of translation
STAVBNA in BIVALNA BIOLOGIJA je blagovna znamka podjetja QUEEN d.o.o., Kranj.
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